钛合金的镯子 ,螺丝拧滑了,现在取不下来怎么办?过几天还要坐火车回家,安检怎么跟人家说啊。。。还有家里人也没见过我的脚镯,这么热的天,藏不住啊。就很绝望。 到底怎么了? 恭喜你了,从此戴镯子可以不像做贼那样偷偷摸摸了。{:2_213:}{:2_213:} I think you should just tell your family that you have chosen this path and wear your anklets proudly. They will get used to it. Ihad the same problem 不怕不怕,我比你还多呢{:2_273:} 长裤 不错,很漂亮。 {:2_272:}这种方法不错,带着多漂亮啊,安检没事的,飞机火车我都做多少次了 Stephan 发表于 2021-6-25 04:34I think you should just tell your family that you have chosen this path and wear your anklets proudl ...
You have the same situation. Can you have a look at it? 打119,找消防吧,我以前是这样做的 算了,不摘了,就这么戴着吧