Anklet at the airport in public
I am at the airport once again. I am wear all my jewelry in public. Its a bit strange to go through security as i always get checked. I am wearing two anklets on each foot bracelets on my wrists. I have a septum ring, ear rings, a tongue ring as well. I like it, but i do get the looks! I feel a little bit intimidated!!!!! How do you deal with public looks? Soon i will get a large leg tattoo. 【8钻(元)】已发放,已可申请提现 >>>点击这里登记提现<<< 都是非常酷的饰品,彰显个性,不用遮掩的。都是永久性的饰品当作袜子、鞋子一样好了 Thank you!!! I still get self concious about people staring So crazy and liberty.china social environment is more controversial.
….but if somegirls on street specially look at one man ‘s ankles wherever in US or CN anyone will shameful {:2_250:}{:2_250:}{:2_250:}{:2_250:}{:2_250:}{:2_273:} This is very true!!! 佩服!在国内要做到这点估计很难 是的,在国内要想自由展示自己的风格,还有很长的路要走
非常喜欢你的展示,非常棒 Thank you!!! Are people not allowed to wear any kind of jewelry in public? I figured it would be just as legal in CN as it is in the USA. According to this website CN has some great permanent jewelry makers!!!!! I would love to buy more!!!