想请教各位大佬,脚镯用螺丝粘着强力胶然后螺进孔里后,再用胶水堵住抹平,做成永久脚镯。有啥办法打开吗?怎么把胶水融了把螺丝取下来? 我的是直接锯开了 不干胶一般都有防水能力,又没法用火烤,要么等两三年胶水自己风化分解再试着取下来,要不就用液压剪切机切断,或者找消防帮忙,别无它法。 为什么要去掉呢? 你可以网上找那些。小的角磨机。
石膏锯好像也行。 飞机安检现在都见怪不怪了,我的开口镯都没怎么看 综合社区内的永久镯佩戴同好的反馈,无论境内境外,佩戴脚镯对乘机安检没有阻碍,只需配合安检员展示、查看脚镯即可,千万不要隐瞒,故意遮挡 That is the whole point of wearing permanent anklets!!! They are supposed to show and be seen all the time!!! I am sure you will be admired once your colleagues see them while on a business trip. The ones that shame you for being yourself, are not appreciating you enough!! Same for tattoos! You should proudly wear them all the time and everywhere!!!! 液压钳吧,胶水融了需要热风枪温度100℃以上,这个温度对于皮肤来说不太可能 外科