Ropes and Shackles(绳索和镣铐-原创)
We walk around the parking garage, everyone heard her chains.(我们在停车场走来走去,每个人都听到了她的声音。--ChatGPT)
【8 钻(元)】已发放,折算为激情值。
The following comments will be translated using ChatGPT3.5.
It seems that liking shackles is beyond national boundaries. 这个铐子好像挺简单的,老美没有咱们这种吗
This handcuff seems quite simple. Don't the Americans have something like ours? 链子很短,感觉声音不大
The chain is short and the sound feels low. 脚镣差评 不错不错 en.Amazing body! wow,there are users from other countries. Thabk you. I like your share!