倚天不出,谁与争锋钛合金不知道,反正不锈钢的这种尺寸还是有沉重感的 暖暖大福利啊 确确实实好看,尤其是永久的,太戳心窝子了 倚天剑也砍不断的玄铁脚镣 还得是大佬 换个变小昭{:2_273:} I really like your set up of your bracelets and anklets. They look amazing and I would like to get that style as well. Could you refer me to a good store that could make me a bracelet and an ankle set? I really like how heavy it looks 永久镯,美到爆表,谢谢分享啊! 手脚四个镯子,还会舞刀弄剑,这下真变哪吒了(