纪念新买的大脚镯,和第一次完全露出两只脚镯骑车经过市中心(似乎不会引起大家的异样眼光呢,下次穿短裤试试,嘿嘿o(〃^▽^〃)o)【3钻(元)】已发放,已可申请提现 [*]>>>了解并登记提现<<< https://note.anklet.cn/ankletimg/topimg_ank.jpg 赤脚脱鞋才更好 It seems like you've shared a snippet of text related to a new bangle series and a memorable experience of riding a bike through the city center with your newly purchased bangle bracelets fully visible. It sounds like a fun and exciting moment, and it's great that you're looking forward to trying it out with shorts next time. Enjoy your new bangles and the adventures they bring! 挺好看的,但是硌脚不? 60多一对的那款? 脚镯其实没啥人特别关注,好看倒是真的 好看的 我的正圆就贼硌脚