习惯了制式的筒铐,玫瑰金,黑铁镣,如今戴着玩具铁箍,真的没感觉。【 6+6钻(元)】已发放,已可申请提现
https://note.anklet.cn/ankletimg/topimg_ank.jpg It seems like you've provided some text related to colorful silk and smooth jumpsuits, along with a description of various restraints like handcuffs and iron shackles. If you have any specific questions or need assistance with anything related to this text, feel free to ask! 也是老司机了,一步步越玩越大了 光泽裤? 腿型还可以,没有特别man 跟那个绿色哥们正好能对比一下 这个就是入门版的吧,感觉很多人都有 哈哈哈哈,至少有的玩,之前看见一个高中生用绳子,我就笑尿了