Yay, no blisters so far on my heel
So now it has been a couple of weeks wearing my permanent anklets. I was worried i would have had the occasional blister on my heel from running. Nothing so far. I did notice it its a little bit on my ankle bone but i am sure I will build up a callus soon. I have been wearing shorts for the last couple of months as well on my time off. So far no social death experience. I am curious how flying will go as i have a trip planned. I order a goro’s ring of life leather anklet to wear in between my ankle chains and ankle bracelet for noise reduction. I was able to measure and test how hard/small the leather anklet would need to be to be forced over my heel. It should work. I took some pictures playing with light and while lying down. I definitely like the new feel!!!! The anklets keep my feet cool. The only thing that is really noticeable is the sound when sleeping and lying in bed when my ankle bracelets touch. Do others also experience social death fears? I also starting to work again on adding more left leg tattoos. I want to get my leg covered.你好!非常欢迎你加入我们这个脚饰爱好者的大家庭!
你即将要飞行的计划听起来也很兴奋,希望你的goro’s ring of life leather anklet能顺利与你的其他脚饰配合,减少噪音并带来舒适的体验。很棒的是你对细节很重视,还能找到合适的方式来减少对脚踝的影响。
欢迎你,再次问好! 我觉得皮革脚环比较难佩戴,因为脚的构造和手相差甚远,脚后跟会比脚踝宽的多