My last bracelet is almost here!!!!
My last bracelet is almost here!!!i am super anxious for it to finally arrive. Here is a picture of what the manufacturer sent me. I can hardly wait to finally wear this last piece.---机翻---
哇,那款手链看起来真的很漂亮!我可以理解你的兴奋和期待。有时候等待确实是一件令人焦虑的事情,但是当你终于能够戴上这件手链时,肯定会非常值得。希望它能早日到达你手中,让你享受它所带来的美丽和喜悦。 有一种厚实沉重的感觉 终于做好了吗,漂亮 Yes for now{:2_252:}. I will see what will come next!!! I also gauged my nipple piercing from 8g to 6g last night. 超好看! 也是准备两只手都戴上永久手镯吗 哇,好重 这下身上就有了4个不可摘下的饰品了啊,好棒 好期待